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Tag: council

website data leaks
October 18, 2018

Southwark Council data leak advice

Earlier this month, an apology was issued over the Southwark Council data leak, and the matter was brought to the attention of regulators.

The personal information of around 20 people was accidentally leaked as part of a Freedom of Information request. The request had asked for correspondence between council officials and Delancey, an asset management company.

The personal information had not been redacted, resulting in the leak. The Information Commissioner’s office (ICO) has been informed.

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By Author
October 17, 2018

Cornwall council data breach claim advice

The Cornwall Council data breach was yet another email blunder where addresses and personal information was not masked in a mailshot

In the breach, an email about disabled children was sent to over 150 people relating to their max card scheme. The max card scheme is a scheme for discounts for foster families and families with disabled children.

In yet another email breach, the personal data and email addresses in the mailshot were exposed. Neither the BCC function or a mailing platform had been used to avoid the data breach. It may attract a GDPR-style fine given it took place after the new rules came into force.

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new report uncovers councils lack of cybersecurity systems
August 14, 2018

City council data breach compensation advice

If you have been affected by a city council data breach and you’re in need of data breach compensation advice and representation, we can help.

With the public sector often at the top of the tables in terms of the volume of data breaches, the impact for victims who suffer as a result of an incident like a city council data breach cannot be ignored. These organisations hold a great deal of personal and sensitive data about us, and it’s not only enough information to cause distress and alarm, but it can also lead to financial crimes like fraud and identity theft.

We take on a great deal of cases for public sector data breaches because of the severity of the impact they can have as well as the frequency of them occurring.

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employee data breach
August 07, 2018

Council tax data breach advice

A council tax data breach can have devastating consequences for the victims involved, especially given that councils hold a lot of personal and sensitive data about us.

Incidents of a council tax data breach are not unheard of and a wealth of information – from people’s personal details to salary information – can be exposed. Council data breaches alone can be quite common given they fall within the umbrella of the public sector, where data breaches can be common.

Although it’s never nice to be the victim of a data breach, victims of a council tax data breach are entitled to claim for data breach compensation.

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employee data breach
April 10, 2018

Councils and local authority agencies collect plenty of data; but are they looking after it?

There is a suggestion that councils and local authority agencies are concentrating too heavily on data collection as opposed to data security. We know councils need a lot of private and sensitive information for a number of legitimate reasons, so why aren’t they protecting it properly?

Recent studies have exposed startling statistics: from one in four councils suffering security breaches in the last five years, to more than 75% of councils failing to provide mandatory data protection training.

Councils are collecting the data, so why aren’t they securing it?
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