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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
April 17, 2018

Hospital data breach compensation

You are entitled to claim for hospital data breach compensation if your personal and medical data has ever been leaked, hacked or generally breached.

A hospital data breach can of course be very severe, given the type of data they often hold about people.

A patient can be entitled to claim compensation for any distress or serious psychological harm caused as a result of a hospital data breach. Whether it’s general data or sensitive medical data that is private and personal, the avenue for compensation is available for victims.
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email breach
April 16, 2018

Council data protection breaches: a common problem

Council data protection breaches are a common problem, so if you have been the victim of a breach or leak caused by your local council, you’re one of many.

You have rights to be able to claim for data breach compensation, whether the council has directly breached data laws, or where a local authority outsourced company has breached the law instead.

We advise and represent a lot of people for council data leaks and data breaches because the root problems as to why they are so common have yet to be resolved.
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April 13, 2018

Huge data breach for casual workers at Manchester United Football Club

We have been approached by a number of victims of a huge data breach for casual workers at Manchester United Football Club, and we have taken claims on with our No Win, No Fee offer available.

From the accounts of the clients who have been accepted for our representation, its believed that 167 casual workers at Manchester United received an email which attached all 167 employees’ wage slips instead of just their own.

This means that the personal details of an estimated 167 individuals has been leaked.
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healthcare data breaches caused by human error nhs staff medical record breaches
April 12, 2018

Advice on medical data loss compensation claims

You can make a medical data loss compensation claim if your private medical information has been lost by a healthcare professional or healthcare organisation. With medical data being so sensitive and personal, it can be disastrous for a victim if medical information falls into the wrong hands.

A recent study indicated that, although cyberattacks often affect more people and are far more widely reported, it is medical data loss and incorrect data disposal that can be a bigger plague in the medical industry.

Although medical data loss can affect fewer people at a time, data loss and incorrect data disposal cases can often be worse on an individual basis.
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April 11, 2018

UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD) hit by cyber-attack

The UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD) was hit by a cyber-attack at the end of March. The agency holds a wealth of data about thousands of professional footballers and Olympic athletes for anti-doping monitoring and compliance.

The data they hold includes medical records and drugs that are used by athletes in accordance with exemption rules.

In 2016, the World Anti-Doping Agency was the subject to a cyber espionage leak that released the classified medical records and drug testing documentation for high-profile athletes, which included drugs used under exemption rules.
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employee data breach
April 10, 2018

Councils and local authority agencies collect plenty of data; but are they looking after it?

There is a suggestion that councils and local authority agencies are concentrating too heavily on data collection as opposed to data security. We know councils need a lot of private and sensitive information for a number of legitimate reasons, so why aren’t they protecting it properly?

Recent studies have exposed startling statistics: from one in four councils suffering security breaches in the last five years, to more than 75% of councils failing to provide mandatory data protection training.

Councils are collecting the data, so why aren’t they securing it?
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humberside police fined by ico for data breach
April 09, 2018

Humberside Police force fined £130,000 for data protection breach

Although many of us are grateful for the help and protection our police force provide us, they are not above the law; even when it comes to the Data Protection Act.

In fact, the police service is unfortunately at the centre of a large volume of data breaches, studies have confirmed.

As a victim of a police data breach you are entitled to claim for data protection compensation – just because it’s the police does not exempt them from legal action and in this case, you can see the weight of the law applied to one force in particular who were fined £130,000.00 for a huge data breach.
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April 06, 2018

How scammers used Facebook’s phone number and email address search facility

Facebook has been all over the news lately over the data breach scandal involving data being skimmed by Cambridge Analytica. Since news first broke of the scandal, Facebook has been under heavy fire over their data privacy policies, as well as how they use people’s data and how it is shared.

In the latest, it can now be assumed that every Facebook user has had their data improperly shared. But, another issue is the questionable Facebook phone number search facility that has, reportedly, been used by scammers who are abusing the facility for their own gain.

Read on to find out how.
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compromised mobile phone
April 05, 2018

When employees steal data to engage in personal contact with customers…

There is a very worrying trend of employees stealing data from their workplaces in order to engage personal contact with a customer. More often than not, it is an employee stealing a customer’s mobile phone number and then contacting the customer to “make friends” or try and pursue a romantic interest in the victim.

Clearly, this is wrong.

How will this worrying trend be stopped, and what can victims do if they are contacted by people who have stolen their contact information from a workplace?
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wigan council data protection breaches
April 04, 2018

Wigan Council at centre of alarming number of data protection breaches

According to data gleaned from a Freedom of Information request, as reported by Wigan Today, there have been a concerning number of data breaches involving Wigan Council where information of a confidential, sensitive, or protected nature has been accessed or disclosed “in an unauthorised fashion”.

Councils and private companies who local authority agencies outsource work to are high on the list when it comes to data protection breaches, and we advise and represent a large number of people claiming for data protection compensation as a result of a council data breach.

Unfortunately, this news does not come as a surprise to us.
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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
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